


Facebook vs Blog:  Where Should You Post Your Content?     As the number of businesses using multiple social media platforms continues to grow, the question frequently comes up:  Which content should go where? The two platforms that provide the biggest source of confusion are blogs and Facebook. There is a purpose for both, and each is ideal for particular types of content. It is important to understand the intention of each of these channels. So, should you put your next update in your blog or on your Facebook page? The purpose of a Facebook business page is to: - Associate with old clients, new clients, likely clients, and partners - Share content that is both significant and intriguing - Draw in your fans with challenges, business news, and other drawing in happy - Keep fans on top of it on forthcoming occasions, meetings, or anything where your organization will  have a presence The purpose of a business blog is to : -Show your ability  -Foster a profundity of content that recogniz